Thursday 5 December 2019

Oracle Apps Important Query to Fetch Data and Records for EBS R12

Concurrent Programs Assigned to a Request Group:
SELECT fcpv.concurrent_program_name short_name,
       fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name conc_prog_name,
       frg.request_group_name req_group_name
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv,
       fnd_request_groups frg,
       fnd_request_group_units frgu
 WHERE fcpv.concurrent_program_id = frgu.request_unit_id
   AND fcpv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
   AND frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
   AND frg.request_group_name = '&request_group_name';

Check if the concurrent program is assigned to a given responsibility:
SELECT fcpv.concurrent_program_name short_name,
       fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name conc_prog_name,
       frg.request_group_name req_group_name,
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv,
       fnd_request_groups frg,
       fnd_request_group_units frgu,
       fnd_responsibility_vl frv
 WHERE fcpv.concurrent_program_id = frgu.request_unit_id
   AND fcpv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
   AND frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
   AND frg.request_group_id = frv.request_group_id
   AND frv.responsibility_name = '&resp_name'
   AND fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name = '&con_prg_name';

SRS Form:
§  Then use SRS (Standard Report Submission) form for running and monitoring your application’s reports/concurrent programs at specific time interval.
§  This lets user specify run and print options and parameter value for reports and concurrent programs.
§  Use fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, ‘any message’) to show message in conc program log file.

Switch Responsibility to ‘Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)’ à View à Requests à          

A concurrent request proceeds through three, possibly four, life cycle stages or phases:
ü  Pending                                       Request is waiting to be run
ü  Running                                       Request is running
ü  Completed                                   Request has finished
ü  Inactive                                       Request cannot be run.

Concurrent Programs Business Events:
In R12 for concurrent programs submission and completion has business events associated with them
in the concurrent program definition form there is a business events tab which displays the list of events associated

here you specify the points at which business events are enabled. The possible points are:
Request Submitted
Request On Hold
Request Resumed
Request Running
Program Completed
Post Processing Started
Post Processing Ended
Request Completed

But make sure you set the profile "Concurrent: Business Intelligence Integration Enable". You will need to set "Yes" to enable Business Events from Concurrent Processing System
Within each phase, a request’s condition or status may change.  Below appears a listing of each phase and the various states that a concurrent request can go through. 

Concurrent Request Phase and Status
·         Normal: Request is waiting for the next available manager.
·         Standby: Program to run request is incompatible with other program(s) currently running.
·         Scheduled: Request is scheduled to start at a future time or date.
·         WaitingA child request is waiting for its Parent request to mark it ready to run. 
·         Normal: Request is running normally.
·         Paused: Parent request pauses for all its child requests to complete. 
·         Resuming: All requests submitted by the same parent request have completed running.  The Parent   request is waiting to be restarted.
·         Terminating: Running request is terminated, by selecting Terminate in the Status field of the Request Details zone.

·         Normal: Request completes normally.
·         Error: Request failed to complete successfully.
·         Warning: Request completes with warnings.  For example, a report is generated successfully but fails to print.
·         Cancelled: Pending or Inactive request is cancelled, by selecting Cancel in the Status field of the Request Details zone.
·         Terminated: Running request is terminated, by selecting Terminate in the Status field of the Request Details zone.

·         Disabled: Program to run request is not enabled.  Contact your system administrator.
·         On Hold: Pending request is placed on hold, by selecting Hold in the Status field of the Request Details zone.
·         No Manager: No manager is defined to run the request.  Check with your system administrator.

Request Set:
§  Request Sets are a method of grouping multiple reports and/or concurrent programs by business function with common run and print options.
§  The various tasks of the request set are linked together to determine the execution order, whether the tasks execute sequentially or in parallel.
§  Stage is a component of a request set used to group requests within the set. All requests in a stage are run in parallel, while stages themselves are run sequentially in the set.
§  Tasks that must operate separately are created in different stages.
§  After defining the initial stage for execution, all subsequent stages are defined under the three completion status codes for the previous stage.

Useful FND Queries:
1. Concurrent Program Info
SELECT   fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name concurrent_program,
         fdfcu.column_seq_num sequence_number,
         fdfcut.form_left_prompt prompt,
         fdfcut.description description,
    FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpd,
         apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_tl fdfcut,
         apps.fnd_descr_flex_column_usages fdfcu,
         apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_tl fdfcud,
         apps.fnd_application fa,
         apps.fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
         apps.fnd_lookups fl,
         apps.fnd_executables fe
   WHERE fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Payables Open Interface Import'
     AND fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id
     AND fcpt.concurrent_program_id = fcpd.concurrent_program_id
     AND fdfcut.application_id = fa.application_id
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flex_context_code = 'Global Data Elements'
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' || fcp.concurrent_program_name
     AND fdfcut.application_id = fdfcu.application_id
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flex_context_code = fdfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flexfield_name = fdfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name
     AND fdfcut.application_column_name = fdfcu.application_column_name
     AND fdfcut.application_id = fdfcud.application_id
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flex_context_code = fdfcud.descriptive_flex_context_code
     AND fdfcut.descriptive_flexfield_name = fdfcud.descriptive_flexfield_name
     AND fdfcut.application_column_name = fdfcud.application_column_name
     AND fdfcu.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id
     AND fcp.execution_method_code = fl.lookup_code
     AND fl.lookup_type = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
     AND fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3

SELECT   cpt.user_concurrent_program_name,
         uc.user_name creator,
         ulu.user_name updater,
    FROM applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs cp,
         applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cpt,
         applsys.fnd_application a,
         applsys.fnd_executables e,
         applsys.fnd_user uc,
         applsys.fnd_user ulu
   WHERE cp.creation_date > TO_DATE ('17-MAY-1995')     -- Enter Creation Date
     AND cp.application_id = cpt.application_id
     AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cpt.concurrent_program_id
     AND cp.application_id = a.application_id
     AND cp.executable_application_id = e.application_id
     AND cp.executable_id = e.executable_id
     AND cp.created_by = uc.user_id
     AND cp.last_updated_by = ulu.user_id
     AND cpt.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Payables Open Interface Import'
ORDER BY cp.concurrent_program_name

2. Concurrent Program parameters
SELECT   cp.concurrent_program_name,
    FROM applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs cp,
         applsys.fnd_descr_flex_column_usages cu,
         applsys.fnd_flex_value_sets vs
   WHERE cp.creation_date > TO_DATE ('17-MAY-1995')      --Enter Creation Date
     AND cu.application_id = cp.application_id
     AND cu.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' || cp.concurrent_program_name
     AND cu.flex_value_set_id = vs.flex_value_set_id
     AND cp.concurrent_program_id = :concurrent_program_id --(Enter CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID of CONCURRENT_PROGRAM)
ORDER BY cp.concurrent_program_name,

3. Concurrent Request Details 

SELECT p.concurrent_program_name,
  FROM applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests r,
       applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs p,
       applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl pt,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility rsp,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl rt
 WHERE r.request_id = &request_id                          -- Enter Request ID
   AND r.program_application_id = p.application_id
   AND r.concurrent_program_id = p.concurrent_program_id
   AND p.application_id = pt.application_id
   AND p.concurrent_program_id = pt.concurrent_program_id
   AND r.responsibility_application_id = rsp.application_id
   AND r.responsibility_id = rsp.responsibility_id
   AND rsp.application_id = rt.application_id
   AND rsp.responsibility_id = rt.responsibility_id

4. Request Group Details

SELECT rga.application_short_name "Req Grp App",
       rg.request_group_name "Request Group Name",
       rg.request_group_code "Request Group Code",
       rg.description "Request Group Desc",
       cp.concurrent_program_name "Concurrent Program",
       ea.application_short_name "Exec App",
       e.executable_name "Executable",
       rga.application_id "Req Grp App ID",
       rg.request_group_id "Req Grp ID",
       e.application_id "Exec App ID"
  FROM applsys.fnd_executables e,
       applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs cp,
       applsys.fnd_request_group_units rgu,
       applsys.fnd_request_groups rg,
       applsys.fnd_application rga,
       applsys.fnd_application ea
 WHERE e.application_id LIKE '%'-- Enter Application ID
   AND e.executable_name LIKE '%' -- Enter Executable Name
   AND cp.executable_application_id = e.application_id
   AND cp.executable_id = e.executable_id
   AND cp.enabled_flag = 'Y'
   AND rgu.request_unit_id = cp.concurrent_program_id
   AND rgu.unit_application_id = cp.application_id
   AND rgu.request_unit_type = 'P'
   AND rg.application_id = rgu.application_id
   AND rg.request_group_id = rgu.request_group_id
   AND rga.application_id = rgu.application_id
   AND ea.application_id = e.application_id

5. Request Set Details

SELECT   rst.user_request_set_name,
         rsst_start.user_stage_name start_stage,
         rss.display_sequence stage_sequence,
         rsst.description stage_description,
         rsp.SEQUENCE program_sequence,
    FROM applsys.fnd_request_sets_tl rst,
         applsys.fnd_request_sets rs,
         applsys.fnd_request_set_stages_tl rsst_start,
         applsys.fnd_request_set_stages rss,
         applsys.fnd_request_set_stages_tl rsst,
         applsys.fnd_request_set_programs rsp,
         applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
         applsys.fnd_request_set_program_args pa
   WHERE rs.request_set_name LIKE '%' -- Enter Request Set Name
     AND rs.application_id = rst.application_id
     AND rs.request_set_id = rst.request_set_id
     AND rsst_start.set_application_id = rs.application_id
     AND rsst_start.request_set_id = rs.request_set_id
     AND rsst_start.request_set_stage_id = rs.start_stage
     AND rsst_start.LANGUAGE = 'US'
     AND rss.set_application_id = rs.application_id
     AND rss.request_set_id = rs.request_set_id
     AND rsst.set_application_id = rss.set_application_id
     AND rsst.request_set_id = rss.request_set_id
     AND rsst.request_set_stage_id = rss.request_set_stage_id
     AND rsst.LANGUAGE = 'US'
     AND rsp.set_application_id = rss.set_application_id
     AND rsp.request_set_id = rss.request_set_id
     AND rsp.request_set_stage_id = rss.request_set_stage_id
     AND rsp.program_application_id = cp.application_id
     AND rsp.concurrent_program_id = cp.concurrent_program_id
     AND cp.LANGUAGE = 'US'
     AND pa.application_id(+) = rsp.set_application_id
     AND pa.request_set_id(+) = rsp.request_set_id
     AND pa.request_set_program_id(+) = rsp.request_set_program_id
ORDER BY rst.user_request_set_name,

1.Find Locks Info
  FROM v$lock
 WHERE SID = &sid

2.Find Session Info

SELECT module,
  FROM v$session
 WHERE action LIKE '%%'

3.Find Lock Mode

  FROM v$lock a,
       SYS.obj$ b
 WHERE b.obj# = a.id1

4.Find Locked Objects SELECT   oracle_username,
    FROM v$locked_object l,
         SYS.dba_objects o
   WHERE l.object_id = o.object_id
ORDER BY o.owner,

5.Control File Query
SELECT * FROM v$controlfile

6.Folder Info Query
SELECT   b.application_short_name,
         c.NAME folder_name
    FROM apps.fnd_default_folders a,
         apps.fnd_application b,
         apps.fnd_folders c,
         apps.fnd_responsibility_vl d
   WHERE a.application_id = b.application_id
     AND a.folder_id = c.folder_id
     AND d.responsibility_id = - (a.user_id)
     AND d.responsibility_name LIKE '%%'
ORDER BY b.application_short_name,
Create Users and assign Responsibilities:
§  Switch to System Administrator responsibility
§  Navigate to Security-->User-->Define
§  Add or query a User.
§  Add responsibility to user as required.

   v_user_name    VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('Raju');
   v_password     VARCHAR2 (30) := '******';
   v_email        VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('');
   fnd_user_pkg.createuser (x_user_name                 => v_user_name,
                            x_owner                     => NULL,
                            x_unencrypted_password      => v_password,
                            x_start_date                => SYSDATE,
                            x_end_date                  => NULL,
                            x_email_address             => v_email
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('User:' || v_user_name || 'Created Successfully');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Unable to create User due to' || SQLCODE || ' ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100) );

select * from fnd_user
where user_name like 'RAJU'

   v_user_name      VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('RAJU');
   v_new_password   VARCHAR2 (30) := '********';
   v_status         BOOLEAN;
   v_status         :=
      fnd_user_pkg.changepassword (username         => v_user_name,
                                   newpassword      => v_new_password

   IF v_status = TRUE
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( 'The password reset successfully for the User:' || v_user_name );
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Unable to reset password due to' || SQLCODE || ' ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100) );
   END IF;

Assign the Responsibilities to User from Backend 
V_username  VARCHAR2 (30) := UPPER ('RAJU');
cursor cur is
    SELECT   r.responsibility_key,
        FROM fnd_responsibility_vl r,
             fnd_application_vl a
       WHERE a.application_id = r.application_id
         AND responsibility_name IN
                                    ('Application Developer'
                                    ,'Functional Administrator'
                                    ,'XML Publisher Administrator'
                                    ,'System Administrator'
                                    ,'General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)'
                                    ,'Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)'
                                    ,'Payables, Vision Operations (USA)'
                                    ,'Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)'
                                    ,'Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)'


    FOR rec in cur
       fnd_user_pkg.addresp (username            => V_username,
                             resp_app            => rec.application_short_name,
                             resp_key            => rec.responsibility_key,
                             security_group      => 'STANDARD',
                             description         => NULL,
                             start_date          => SYSDATE,
                             end_date            => NULL

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( rec.responsibility_name || 'Responsibility Assigned to' || v_username );
        THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Unable to Assign Responsibilities to User' || SQLCODE || ' ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100) );

Key Flex fields:
§  Most businesses use codes made up of meaningful segments to identify Account Number, Part number and other business entities, eg: a company might have a part number
”PAD–NR–YEL–8 1/2x14” indicating a notepad, narrow–ruled, yellow, and 14” by 8 1/2”.
§  A Flex field is a field which is made up of segments. 
§  Each segment has a name and a set of valid values.
§  A Key flex field identifies an entity.

Register Key Flex fields:
§  Register your key flex field with Oracle Application Object Library.
§  Each key flex field has one corresponding table, known as the combinations table, where the flex field stores a list of the complete codes, with one column for each segment of the code.
§  There is a corresponding unique ID number (a code combination ID number or CCID) for that code which is also stored in the combination table.
§  A flex field structure is a specific configuration of segments. Same flex field can have multiple segment structure.

Customize Key Flex field Segments:
§  A segment is a single sub–field within a flex field. You define the appearance and meaning of individual segments when customizing a flex field.
§  A segment is represented in your database as a single table column.
§  Flex field validates each segment against a set of valid values, which are mostly predefined
§  A flex field qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flex field.

Key Flex field Feature:
§  Dynamic Insertion:
§  The insertion of a new valid combination into a combinations table from a form other than the combinations form.

Key Flex field Cross validation:
§  Cross–validation rules prevent users from creating new key flex field combinations that contain values that should not coexist in the same combination.

Descriptive Flex fields:
§  Descriptive flex fields provide customizable "expansion space" on your forms. You can use descriptive flex fields to have additional information, important and unique to your business that would not otherwise be captured by the form.
§  A descriptive flex field appears on a form as a single-character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets.
§  Descriptive flex fields have two different types of segments, global and context-sensitive.
§  global segment is a segment that always appears in the descriptive flex field pop-up window.
§  context-sensitive segment is a segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form.

Global Segments:
§  In Order management, if you want to add some extra Order line information, then query the DFF for “Additional Line Attribute information”
§  Go to Global Data Elements context field.
§  Click segments to view the DFF segments.
      §  Already used segments for the DFF will appear here
§  You can create a new record and use a previously unused attribute and make it enabled and displayed
§  Save and compile the flex field definition.
§  Navigate to Order Management, Enter orders screen.
§  Enter or query an order and go to line DFF
§  You can see the additional information you enabled now
§  The DFF data gets stored in attribute columns of the base table.

Context sensitive Segments:
§  A context-sensitive descriptive flex field can gather context information from either a field on the form, or from a special field (a context field) inside the descriptive flex field pop-up window.
§  If the descriptive flex field derives the context information from a form field, that field is called a reference field for the descriptive flex field.
§  In DFF Segments form check Displayed for the context.
§  Optionally change the prompt of context
§  Choose the reference field from LOV, which should be initially defined in Register DFF form.

§  The reference field is same as a normal form field.
§  Reference fields provide a way to map the context-sensitivity of descriptive flex field information that has been captured to existing conditions in your business data.
§  Descriptive flex field segments...
Ø  Multiple Structure
Ø  Reference field
Ø  Structure Column

§  If you use a reference field, the value of that field populates its own column. For example, if the reference field on the form is the "Country" field, it populates the "country" column in the table.
§  However, the reference field value also populates the structure (context) column in the table, since that value specifies which structure the flex field displays.

Benefits of Flex fields:
§  Flex fields provides features that are required to satisfy the following business needs:
1.      Customize your applications to conform to your current business practice for accounting codes, product codes, and other codes.
2.      Customize your applications to capture data that would not otherwise be tracked by your application.
3.      Have “intelligent fields” that are fields comprised of one or more segments, where each segment has both a value and a meaning.
4.      Rely upon your application to validate the values and the combination of values that you enter in intelligent fields (Cross Validation Rules).
5.      Have the structure of an intelligent field change depending on data in your form or application data.
6.      Customize data fields to your meet your business needs without programming.
7.      Query intelligent fields for very specific information.

Value Sets:
Ø  Use value set to:
§  Determine which values users can enter into flex field segments and concurrent program parameters.
§  Provide a list of valid values using list of values feature

Ø  Validation Type for Value Set:
§  None (not validated at all)
§  Table
§  Independent
§  Dependent

Table validated Value Sets:
§  Create a validation table in your database
§  Register your table with Oracle Application Object Library (as a table)
§  Create the necessary grants and synonyms
§  Define a value set that uses your validation table
§  Define your flex field structure to use that value set for a segment. 
§  Create a value set with a name, format type and length.
§  Specify validation type as Table and click on details button
§  Enter the Application name (optional), table name.
§  Enter the column names which you want to display as value and meaning (optional)
§  Enter the column name which need to be stored in the database in ID field
§  Mention the data type of these columns
§  Enter where and order by clause as appropriate.

Independent/Dependent Value Sets:
         Create your independent value set first
         Create your dependent value set, specifying a default value
         Define your independent values
         Define your dependent values.

This Query gives details of value sets that are based on a oracle application tables:
User Profile:
§  A profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your application runs
§  System Profile Options
1.      Set by the System administrator
2.      User  cannot change
3.      Any change in the system profile becomes effective only when the user logs on again or change responsibility
§  Personal Profile Options
1.      Set by the System Administrator
2.      User can change the option values
3.      Any changes become effective immediately
§  You need to create a profile in Application Developer responsibility and then assign its system and personal values.

§  User Profile Forms:
§  Define new user profile option at the time of developing a new application
§  Profile names must be unique
§  A profile option cannot be deleted.

Setting Profile Values: 
Setting System Profile

      Navigate to
      Sysadmin à Profiles

Setting Personal Profile
      Click on Menu Edit -> Preferences -> Profile.

User Profile:
Ø  User Profile Levels
§  A value set at the higher level overrides the one set at the lower level. “User” is the highest level.
§  After implementation System Administrator sets the default profile values at the site level
§  Option values are dynamically set at the run time.

User Profile Routines:
Ø  User Profile routines that helps in retrieving option values are,
         FND_PROFILE.GET (name IN varchar2, value OUT varchar2) is a procedure.
         FND_PROFILE.VALUE (name IN varchar2) return varchar2 is a function.
Ø  Syntax  of referring a profile option value in value sets or concurrent program parameters  is :$PROFILES$.option_name
Ø  Seeded profiles are


AND RESPONSIBILITY_NAME = 'Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)'

SELECT * FROM fnd_request_groups
AND request_group_name like 'Receivables All'

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